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Still struggling to get the best out of Winjupos...

How much processing to people do before putting images into Winjupos? In particular how far should I go with contrast enhancement or sharpening?


Plus... can anyone explain what this strange mark and vertical line are near the centre of the disk? There's nothing like it on any of the individual subs :-(



<EDIT> setting the image time to be the same as one of the sub-images gets rid of the D., but teh vertical line is still 'faintly) there and is stopping me sharpening as much as I would like.

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Do many people USE WinJupos?

I'm gradually getting better results but if there's anyone out there who knows how to 'fly' it properly beyond the basic tutorials on the net, please shout I want to pick your brains!

(P.S. TalkTalk is failing (after 7 days!)_ to restore YouTube to us so YT tutorials are inaccessible... I can live with this but my daughter is crawling up the walls or taking over our bedroom so she can get a 4G signal to watch her daily dose of cat videos on her phone!

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