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PS Express


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Im a beginner with imaging really. Ive got a few snaps to my name, but I am still learning.. 
I use photoshop 2014 on my Mac for all my processing.. but I also have the PS express app on my iphone.

After processing and feeling like im generally happy, I like to send the photo to my phone to make it easily sharable with a few friends

family etc. But doing this Ive also found myself tinkering with my images in the PS Express app.. and I always seem to find it really 

boosts my images! 

Its very basic, just has options like "clarity" "sharpening" "noise reduction "defog" and things like that on sliders for the strength.. 

But playing around with these sliders seems to really improve my images more than my knowledge of photoshop allows me to.

e.g like 'clarity' It must be some sort of sharpening tool, but it makes the image so much more present.. Its just a shame the app compresses

the images to around 4mb in size. 

Has anyone else had a play with this app, and also any idea where the apps tools are inspired from in the actual version of PS??

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