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Skyx pro with Tpoint pointing error

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I have the latest version of Skyx pro 10.3.0 build 8908 with Tpoint addon.

In order to connect to Skywatcher HEQ5 mount I make these actions

1) set synscan hand controller to "PC Direct Mode"

2) launch skyx and connect to HEQ5 mount

Now imagine I want to capture images of Veil Nebula in Cygnus.

From the skyx, I slew to a bright star in Cygnus and synchronize the mount to this star.

Then I launch tpoint and start a calibration run.

I slew to another star in Cygnus then with the joystick buttons I center this star in the CCD camera field of view.

Then I press "add pointing sample" in the skyx.

The above procedure is repeated succesfully with 5 more stars in Cygnus.

Then I slew to my target Veil Nebula. The problem is that the telescope is pointing far away from the Veil Nebula.

The target is not even in the CCD field of view.

When I repeat the above process with Sky6 pro and tpoint then everything is working succesfully.

Any ideas why tpoint addon in skyx pro behaves so erroneously?

Thank you

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I found the reason why tpoint addon behaves erroneously.

Let's suppose I slew to Vega, then I center Vega with the joystic controller so that it is centered in the CCD camera field of view.

Then in the skyx I press the button "add pointing sample".

When I do this the yellow bull eye will not move in order to center Vega.

This happens with every star I add as pointing sample.

So my question shouldn't the yellow bull eye move in order to center the star???

Thank you


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are you missing a synchro command to tell it yu are now pointing at the star you were asking for, followed by the 'add sample' command to add the error to the model ? Just conjecture - I haven't either of these things .!

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Finally I have solved this problem.

After I finish the calibration run in tpoint, I slew to a target and the target is not in the field of view of the CCD camera.

Then I slew to a bright star near the target, move it with the joystick controller so that is centered in the CCD camera field of view.

I synchronize the mount to this star.

So as you can see resynchronization is needed after the calibration run is ended.

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