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Whole New Setup

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Hi all,

I'm potentially going to have some surplus cash (around £2.5K - £3K) and I've been looking into getting myself a whole new setup which will allow me good visual use and also let me be able to learn and take alot better photos too (A bit of an all rounder!)

Below is the list of equipment I'm looking at and I'm looking for people to advise me if this looks good or not, as this is the first time I will be spending alot of money on the hobby and will need it to last for along time!

OTA: Skywatcher 250 PDS

Mount: Skywatcher NEQ6 PRO Synscan

EP: Baader Hyperion Zoom

Barlow: Celestron Luminos 2.5x

Filter: Baader OIII

Coma Corrector: Skywatcher 0.9x

Power: Skywatcher PowerTank 17Ah

Collimating: Premium Cheshire

Guide Scope: Orion Awesome Autoguider Refractor Package LINK

I already have a DSLR, T Ring and T Adaptor for photography.

All the equipment is sourced from First Light Optics except for the guide scope which I saw recommend from a youtube video on Astrophotography.

This is all totalling £2353.95 excluding delivery

Is there anything else I should think of adding or is there anything wrong with what I've assembled?

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your advice!


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