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My First Image of Jupiter

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Here is my first successful(ish) capture of Jupiter. It was a very clear night with lots of stars out, despite the light pollution. Through the eyepiece, I think I saw Jupiter's bands of clouds for the first time. Usually it is a white orb, but I think I saw some clouds this night. The picture I got doesn't look great because DeepSkyStacker didn't want to align the Jupiter frames because it didn't recognize Jupiter as a "star." I'm guessing it is too big. So only 1 light frame was used. Here it is after basic processing:


And after messing with the brightness, I got some of the moons out of it!


I  could use help on correctly stacking frames so I don't need to rely on what DeepSkyStacker can do. Or does it need to be a bit more focused?

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Deep Sky Stacker is for deep sky imaging, not planetary imaging.  You need to use planetary image stacking software such as Autostakkert!2 or RegiStax for this kind of work.



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Out of interest what camera are you using?

While capturing you need to ensure your images are not over exposed and that they are in focus.



I'm using a Nikon D50 with a 3x barlow lens looking into the telescope. This is about as focused as it gets using the telescope's focus knob.

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