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Trying to get over my fear !!!!

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On a really good, clear night at a dark sky area it can almost feel overwhelming when you look up into the sky and it seems to be more stars than empty space. So much so that I almost find myself falling backwards as I look up and try to take it all in. I'm guessing your phobia may be somehow linked to this feeling or at least triggered by it and then the rational part of your brain cannot compensate to bring things back into a sense of perspective. Does the sight of the sun during the daytime also trigger the same reaction? If not I suppose it must have something to do with the optical appearance of the stars against the black sky. It's certainly interesting, but I would recommend seeing a specialist. SSRI's have been mentioned above and from my own experience they are good at taking the edge off a feeling of dread and panic, however they also take the edge of other emotions (such as happiness and enjoyment) which can totally suck but maybe worth asking your doctor about it.

As for spiders it's hopeless. I'm a hero after a couple of glasses of wine and will happily pick up the most gargantuan of House Spiders and let them run around my hands, but in the sober light of day I still wither in fear when I see them out the corner of my eye and start checking my escape routes.

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