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Does anyone have an astrotrac th3010 head they could measure?


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I am planning another crazy hardware DIY/Hack/Mod and would like to base it on the TH3010 as a starting point.

If anyone has one and some spare time during clouds could you check my guestimated dimensions taken from photographs.

Measurements with a ruler are fine.

Counterweight shaft: Length=420mm, Diameter=30mm

Counter weight 1: Length=170mm, Diameter=56mm

Counter weight 2: Length=78mm, Diameter=56mm

Head: Length=120mm, Diameter=60mm

Saddle Mount: Distance from polar axis to base of saddle=77mm

If I manage to make my idea work, I will of course post a thread on it.

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Here's a few measurements of my head...

Counterweight Shaft

Length = 400mm + 8mm domed screw head and washer + 12mm of thread (M10 thread if I remember correctly)

Diameter = 20mm

Small Counterweight

Length = 56mm

Diameter = 50mm

Large Counterweight

Length = 112mm

Diameter = 50mm

Head: Length=115mm, Diameter=60mm

Saddle Mount: Distance from polar axis to base of saddle = 75mm

I can provide more detail if you require...

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Thanks Stuart, that is perfect. Having those dimensions helps me to get clearances and avoids guessing bending moments etc. It helps to have real dimensions to avoid unexpected 3D surprises.

I am glad I was wrong about the shaft diameter.

I want to make something stiffer than a Manfrotto geared head based vaguely on the Astrotrac design.

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