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nother look at the Baader Zoom for imaging

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Some time back in another post I posted some images in which I implied tat the Baader Zoom that while being excellent for visual it might have some issues with afocal work when imaging.

I have changed my opinion. I did a 4 pane image of the Moon with the zoom set at around 15mm on my SW ED80. OK the image is not the best in the world but the defocusing I saw on the edges of previous work is no longer there. It is pretty sharp thoughout.

So what changed?

It is the way I mounted my camera a mod'd Canon 650D.

On this occasion rather than mount along the axis as I did before I used the star diagonal to reduce the length of equipment hanging off the back. Plus I ensured that everything was nice and tight. The Baader Zoom is a weighty lens (359 gm) and therefore the turning moment needs to be reduced by reducing the axis length, this reduces flexure.

So I am more than happy that this lens does work both visually and photographically.post-29495-0-50824800-1425290094_thumb.j

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