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Nexstar Hibernate Mode (cpc1100)

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I've tried using the Hibernate mode on the Nexstar+ handset that came with my CPC1100 a couple of times now, however each time when I switch the scope back on for a subsequent session the alignment ends up about 5/10 degrees too far to the West. The scope 'wakes up' as expected and slews to almost the correct area of sky, but I then need to use the left hand arrow key to move the OTA a bit further East so that the object is back in the FOV. When I do this the object ends up back dead centre of the eyepiece without having to adjust the scope up or down.

Anyone else had this problem? Is there an option I need to change somewhere else on the handset menus?

I'm using the scope on a wedge. Not sure if that has any bearing on this though.

Thanks all


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