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Milky Way anyone?

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Finally came out of hibernation last night and decided to test a Samyang 16mm F2 lens atop a Canon M set at 15 secs exposure at iso 400.

The lens was a snip at £260 and apart from having to manually focus is well made and robust. Focussing with a fast lens and the Canon live view was easy, just pick a bright star or two. Tracking provided by a small Sightron Nano tracker with no polar alignment except me pointing it at Polaris. 

I am trying to image the Milky Way from light polluted Orpington but just seem to get isolated stars with a deep red cast. Had to remove the cast with PS and did a sharpen and contrast as well.

How do I get those wonderful Milky Way shots that you see, should I go for stacked images or longer exposures? 

The two pictures show before and after PS.

Can anyone help me achieve this I don't get many opportunities here due to clouds and lp.


Bill (williamnohair)post-11184-0-14935000-1422190462_thumb.jpost-11184-0-79187800-1422190466_thumb.j

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