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Basic physics course on line ?


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Speaking as someone who left high school with an O level physics pass in 1974 Im ashamed to admit I have forgotton far more than i learned and struggle to get my head around basic astronomy at times even parrallax took me a few goes to sink in. Can anyone recommend a good preferably low cost on line physics course please. ?


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Most obvious is the Openlearn offering from the OU.

Filtering looks questionable, if I select Free courses, then Science-Tech, I get over 10 pages, cannot seperate Physics out but can seperate Astronomy out, then I lose the Free Course filter and it needs reapplying.

Problem is that all I get then is 5 apparent courses.

They are all around the 10 hours study area, so not massive.

Present one called The Moon is just 6 hours.

I would expect more, maybe they have just displayed the main ones or there are others that are related but are not tagged.

There are others, as if I hit the Try button on The Moon details in the next it offers: 60 second adventures in Asronomy, Galaxies Stars adn Planets, The Big Bang. But these are not displayed earlier. So what is in there will need some digging out but I suspect a lot.

More luck:

Try this link:


At the bottom it says More from Physics and Astronomy.

You can sort out the free ones.

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