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Secondary dew heater installed but....

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After several longish observing sessions ultimately being stopped by a dewed up secondary on my 12" dob I have finally got to installing a Kendric secondary heater.  

I am taking my time as I want to make a neat job & ensure that every thing is stuck well down. The mirror was pretty dirty so I carefully cleaned it before the project began. Heater & insulation has been fixed. Wiring is now attached to the secondary spider using the copper strips & wire with spade connectors to socket, yet to be mounted on the tube. This will allow the mirror & spider to be removed if required. Battery box for mount yet to be designed.

However it dawned on me that can I actually clean the secondary mirror ever again. With heater stuck to the back of the mirror & neoprene rubber on top for insulation will this be damaged if the whole lot was immersed in water for cleaning some time in the future. Or is there some other way?

Hoping others with heaters can advise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a rather late response, but I just happened to be searching on this and related subjects.

I've just done the same thing with a home made pad + neoprene - it does seem that gluing the heater pad makes it difficult to clean the secondary.

I realise this is a bit late for you now, but I'm looking at a Mk2 version which the heater pad is pressed onto the rear of the secondary using a clip which mounts on the stalk.

Did you use a split elliptical type Kendrick heater?

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Well, I guess the thing is to get the most out of things as its set up, take care to avoid dust on the seconday, and then if/when it needs cleaning try and separate the heater carefully before cleaning the mirror. Then re-apply with double sided tape or use some kind of stalk mount as I suggest.

I think dunking the whole thing in fluid would be asking for trouble. You might get away with it if careful. I've had a few devices over the years survive serious dunking - laptop/phone etc. - if dried carefully after. See what Kendrick say maybe.

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