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Variable Stars; an historical novel


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Author: Christina Koning

I've just finished reading this book which is moderately lengthy, about 350 pages.

I was drawn to it as I wanted to read about Caroline Herschel.

It has been a fascinating read, and the author has clearly thoroughly researched the characters within the narrative, and has used her artistic licence to bolster and tie the story together.

The middle part of the book takes an unexpected direction, and I was surprised by some of the graphic and sexual descriptions, but there are no lose ends as the reader gets to the final page.

The language the author uses is a strange mixture of modern and old fashioned, and reminds me of Sons And Lovers by DH Lawrence, the only Lawrence book i've read. It reads as though it's a book of its time, not one written and published in 2014.

I certainly feel it has taught me a great deal about Caroline Herschel, and those around her, and of the times they lived in. I also have to confess the last few chapters had me crying constantly!

The book contains numerous entries of an astronomical nature, which will appeal to practical astronomers, but these are not so important as to distract from the plot, so the book will appeal to those with less interest in the nitty gritty of astronomical observation.

I'd give it 9/10.


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