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Astronomy website?

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Hello everyone. I was wondering if someone could help me. I was wanting to know if there's any free websites that give you Astronomy courses/lessons just up to the end of high school, not college because i'm going to college for Astronomy. I just want to know EVERYTHING I can before I get into college, i'm still in High School. (10th grade)

I just REALLY want to be prepared for College, this is my life. I don't want to mess it up. 

(I would be taking this class online in my spare time, after school and on weekends)


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A good start would be to unplug the computer and do some telephoning to colleges and universities in your area, and the one's you're thinking of attending. Find out if they have astronomy in their curriculum and who in this department would be likely to know about on-line courses. You would be more likely to get very good suggestions from those involved in education in your field of choice, rather than fishing on the internet. 

It's great you want to jump-start your studies. You'll go far!

Clear Skies,


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A good start would be to unplug the computer and do some telephoning to colleges and universities in your area, and the one's you're thinking of attending. Find out if they have astronomy in their curriculum and who in this department would be likely to know about on-line courses. You would be more likely to get very good suggestions from those involved in education in your field of choice, rather than fishing on the internet. 

It's great you want to jump-start your studies. You'll go far!

Clear Skies,


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I tried to quote on mobile, it didn't work out well haha.

Thank you so much for the help, Dave. I'm going to check into that as soon as I can. I couldn't really find anything online, so I came here! I'm going to watch the beautiful night sky as I drift to sleep, it's pretty late here. Thanks again, and good night!

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There are the Coursera offerings but they are I suspect not exactly what you want.


I think you do one over a period of several weeks and as prescribed by the institution. As in it is an 8 weeks course and you are expected to do it over the 8 weeks and not at what may be faster. Check up.

If you search for Open University there are some astronomy courses, I think they are under the headting "open learn"

Search Open Learn, then Science/Physics, then physics and astronomy within the site.

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