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Delightful Mirfak


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Last night out with the Moon via 15x70 Quantums, I ended up gaping at Mirfak and the delightful grouping round it....what a lovely area!

I thought possibly it may be named (a la Hyades) but not so in my S&T Pocket Atlas...still, a gorgeous binocular sight.

(As an digestif to round off the evening @ 1 ayem, I tried for Kemble's Arcade but could not make it out in the moonwash - found the bright four stars arcing to/near it so at least I know where to go when the Moon goes sultry & shy again....)

Happy Nights!


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Cheers Avtar - nice sketch :)

So this cluster does have a name or indeed several. Good. I did wonder. Certainly gorgeous enough to deserve naming.

It is a beauty isn't it?  Thanks for the advice re going wider - will have a looksee with my 7x. 

Hope you're having a clear night.


(By the way, no-one picked me up on the Arcade gag? Slipping, fellas, slipping! :D)

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Arcade, yes definitely slipping.

Must pay more attention when reading posts.


Heh...actually, I only put the gag in because when I was out last night with Melotte 20 (What a gal! Just seen that other thread btw, now you've told me the name, so at some point what with the neck tripod & this, I owe you a pint!) & I said to myself 'where's Kemble's Arcade then?' (senility, y'see). Oh, we did have a laugh...well... alright, I had a laugh -my moonshadow joined in... :)

May pop out for a few minutes to see how things are, tho I pulled me back hauling the washing in today so it may be a quick one. Ah me, aint life grand?



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Quickest outing yet, as above ( back was killing me!) - the Mirfak cluster was still drop-dead gorgeousin what seemed very clear sky BUT, finally!, made out faintly in the moon glow the grand shimmer of Kemble's Cascade. I almost fell off my chair I've been looking for this for so long....Can't wait to properly view it on a darker night but did I go to bed a happy bunny!

The neck tripod worked well too, so a great 10 minutes all round!


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