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Lodestar and Orion mini guide scope focus issue


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Hi everyone, I've just tried to get into auto guiding and I'm having a torrid time. It seems I can't get my new lodestar to focus in the mini guide scope, has anyone else had this issue or am I being a numpty somewhere?

I tried using PHD along side and the screen that shows the stars in the field of view is just white no stars at all. Please help

Many thanks in advance


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White screen in PHD, is not a focus issue, but a exposure issue. (although focus is extremely tight on finder guiders.)

I really struggled to get my focus right on my F guider, so I suggest you try a day light run to get the camera exposure and focus right.

Anything beyond about 100 meters is at infinity focus, which you can make a mark on the camera to measure the focus point, then at night, you can fine tune it.

Best of luck.

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PHD does the exposure on point light source, so any distant point of light will work.

However I did some testing in my lounge using the green light from my sky box.

Phd2 does a pretty good auto exposure on my cam, not sure about yours.

You could try google /search this forum for your camera and exposure settings.

I know when I did planetary 30ms was good.

Then just play with the gain. This is set in the camera settings.

Edit: not to be confused with PHD seeing setting next to brain.

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