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Canon Liveview and autoguiding queries

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After some experiment with my new deep sky imaging equipment. I have a couple of queries that have come to my attention which I appreciate some guy with

1. My imaging camera is a Canon D450 (rear colour filter removed & an astronomik CLS clip filter). I cannot seem to get Liveview to work at all in Backyard EOS. So instead to achieve focus: I used the Loop feature within the frame and focus section. I did 40 second exposures at ISO 1600. Then I put on the bottom of mask on and still using the latest picture I finished on pixel error of 0.3 which I think is more than good enough. Anyway I just wanted to illustrate the point that obviously it's perfectly achievable to obtain tree focus using the loop feature however I wasn't the impression from those people that live you works just as well for focusing? Yet as soon as I switch to Liveview in BYE I get a totally black display. When I use the zoom box all it shows is the thermal noise - no images of stars?!

2. My next task is to familiarise myself with auto guiding. Specifically I will be using an Orion short tube 80 refractor and a QHY5L II as guide camera. Are there any common tricks of the trade I should be aware of for the process (having never done any auto guiding before)?

My plan is to: use SharpCap2 to reach focus for the guiding equipment. Was going to use a 10-20" exposure time to do this. Then for using PHD as the guiding software what should I do to get PhD running so that all auto guiding looks after itself?

Thank you for any help in advance.

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