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Skywatcher explorer for 50 quid?

Kaptain Klevtsov

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I was VERY interested in telescopes4u posting regarding FREE telescopes as I haven't decided what to blow the dosh on yet. Looks like I might get to try out the real deal before falling out with the Missus.

It occured to me that I might need a mount for the thing as it would work a lot better that way. So I looked for a mount that I could keep if I upgraded at a later date i.e. HEQ5 motorised equatorial mount.

It seems that this is almost as expensive (485) as getting one with an Explorer 200 (535). The 50 quid difference seems odd, or is that the going rate for the 'scope only? (Prices from warehouse Express BTW)

Is this a poor price for the mount? Tried to check out telescopes4u web site (heads up man, it's not working from here) but got nowhere.

If the mount is discounted heavily when you buy a telescope also, might it be better for me to buy the whole set and let the freebie go to someone else?

I dont mean to sound ungrateful to telescopes4u, and I would buy the mount from him, if he's into selling them, probably with a scope to bolt onto it at hat price differential, but the price difference seems VERY odd to me.

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