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Little experience needed


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Looking for some of your experience here.  I have two questions.  First, in the picture below is my polar align good enough such that when I add my auto guider the stars will be nice dots.  The picture is a single, unprocessed, 60 second exposure.  


Second question.  Do the stars appear to move quicker at the zenith?  This picture is again a single, unprocessed, 60 second exposure but it appears that the stars drift much more in this exposure.  The only difference between the two shots is this one is pretty much directly overhead.  


Higher res versions can be seen here Flickr

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These were taken without autoguiding then i take it? You want to get set up and using PHD asap. It's the way to go for exposures over 2 minutes

Correct no guiding. I have my guider set up ready to go. I was just practicing my polar alignment. Still need a good polar align even with guiding.

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The apparent motion of the stars is dependant on their declination. Stars near the celestial equator will appear to move much faster than ones near the poles.

TSED70Q, iOptron Smart EQ pro, ASI-120MM, Finepix S5 pro.

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