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Deep sky stacker

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Hi peeps,just wondering,I keep getting just 1 picture out of 20 after stacking,it said make sure u got a lot of stars but I got over 200 in each frame,is there something I got to do to align each frame on top of each other because I notice that the stars in each frame had moved a little,so the 1st frame and the last frame there is a couple of mm different in star positions,I didn't use a guided scope and done short expo,many thx

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DSS doesn't like drift in the images you are trying to stack.  However you may still get it to work - you need to set the "Star detection threshold" to give you around 20-50 stars, just move the slider and "compute" to get the number that DSS finds.  Then set the "select the best" to 100% which forces DSS to use all the subs you have put into it.

I would also suggest manually checking all your subs - any with trailed stars or other problems should be eliminated.  Hope this helps you get started.

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