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What is possible from city locations?


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Hi all,

been around a little whilst having bought my first scope last summer and really enjoyed getting to know it over the winter months when it actually got dark. One thing I have worked out in the last 12 months is that I really enjoy imaging as opposed to observing. 

When I say imaging I mean wide field (well, with my DSLR and up to 300mm lens)

My current setup is very basic having picked up the scope on gumtree for £50 in superb condition. It consists of:

Astromaster EQ3 mount with RA drive motor

Astromaster 130EQ Scope with standard 10mm and 20mm EP's

2x barlow with T-Ring adaptor for my Nikon DSLR's

3D printed dovetail to ball joint mount for DSLR's

On the camera side I have:

modified xbox webcam with 3D printed 1.25" nose piece for attaching to the scope 

Nikon D3100

Nikon D5100

Nikon 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 lens

Nikon 35mm f1.8 lens

Nikon 50mm f1.8 lens

Tamron 70-300mm f4.5-5.6 lens

Nikon Camera control software for mac - works with D5100 for remote control, live view, manual focus etc

Various stacking / post editing software packages including DSS and Adobe Lightroom 5

I also have a home made 3D printed motorised 'barn door' tracker that takes a standard tripod mount and is driven by a DC motor for wide field stuff so I can use either the EQ3 mount or a standard photography tripod with the barn door fitted.

I have had some luck with the constellations using just a camera and lens as well as some luck photographing Jupiter at 300mm which shows no planet detail but does bring out several, typically 3 of 4 moons. 

I can accurately align both mounts and achieve 15 minutes+ at 18mm down to 10s or so at 300mm tracking before any star trails begin to appear.

What I would like to know is with my setup and being located in a pretty bad light pollution / city centre area what can I expect to be able to photograph? Could I get any detail in deep space stuff?

If I were to invest in more kit I would want a better EQ mount with goto capability as well as the option to add a guider scope to my setup. This I have no idea about, what would you recommend as a good start? 

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What can be done from a city location?

Look at the work of Dr. Rob Gendler.


" I do all of my imaging from my driveway adjacent to my home. I am lucky to be living on a dark cul de sac although there is significant light pollution where I live. On the best nights the transparency is between 4.5 and 5.0 magnitude although the seeing is usually good to excellent. I also feel lucky to have neighbors who are kind enough to cooperate by turning their lights down when I'm imaging."



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