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APO scope for visual and DSLR imaging

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Hi everyone

I am planning to purchase a short tube APO refractor for visual use and for DSLR astrophotography, I am specifically looking for a scope to compliment a Celestron 8" EdgeHD mounted on an HEQ5.

The refractors I have in mind are: WO Zenithstar ZS71 APO, SW Equinox 80, SW Evostar 80ED Pro, Meade 6000 80mm APO.

I would also like to use it as a grab and go scope on an alt-az mount (Vixen Porta II), I like the look of the William Optics ZS71, but wondered if it was a bit limiting as a visual scope compared with the 80mm APOs?



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I have just bough an Altair Astro 70ED and it's a very nice little scope, both for visual and for imaging.  They are getting a bit hard to find, but if you can get hold of one then it's definitely one to consider.

I have heard lots of good things about the WO ZS71 (and nearly bought one of them instead), so  I think that is also worth further consideration.

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I recently got a TSED70Q, it's a quadruplet so no field flattener required for imaging, it's been working great for me so far :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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