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Buying a telescope

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The Heritage has a threaded tube focuser, I am Not sure how it's called in english.

You turn the eyepiece holder to screw it in or out.

See detail Images at


or If you want I can take a few Images.

Kind of what some people use as inexpensive DIY telescope focuser when building a newtonian from scratch.

It is not the most precice, but light, compact and works.

It can be improved a little with Teflon tape, but it works as-is.

If you do not tighten the screw to hold the eyepieces, you have to focus by turning the ring where the eyepiece sits in.

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That's a helical focuser, precision isn't a problem for it - it's quite precise enough in operation to do the job - but it is slower to adjust than a rack&pinion or Crayford type, particularly when swapping one eyepiece for another. However, you can use a separate drawtube which can be used to adjust rough focus quickly then use the screw thread for fine adjustments. Some small but high-quality refractors (TeleVus Ranger, and 60) use this type of focuser also for reasons of compactness.


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The telescope arrived today!!

I had to collimate it, so i used a 24 mm film cartridge to make a collimator.

I had a nice view of Jupiter and its moons.

the only downside is that i can't get the finder-scope to work properly. It just wont point for the thing I am seeing. The only problem I can see is that the surface may not be leveled, but I will try it again later.

thanks everyone for all the advises.

Ps: I also have a 10 mm plossl incoming. When it arrives I will tell you more about it.

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Congratulations :-)

I hope you can sort out the Finder scope issue, perhaps with a piece of cardboard or plasttic to wedge it.

Consider getting the 6mm 66deg UWA, great eyepiece for planets, especially If modded.

Try catching a glimpse of saturn, standing on the balcony with my Heritage as I Type :) stunning.

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Hello everyone!

I have solved the problem of the finder scope by putting a bit of paper under it.

I had a view of Saturn last night and it was truly beautiful.

I also had another look at Jupiter, and a glimpse on Mars.

I even caught a satellite, a plane, and, if i had not removed my eye from the eyepiece, I would have seen a shooting star!

Very good quality image, and thanks to all that advised it to me.


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