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This is a pic of Mizar i shot tonight, my very first through my new ed120 with a canon 5D, the exposure is 4.5 mins in 30 sec subs processed in DSS with 5 darks and 10 flats, what would cause the center of the image to be brighter than the outside?....looks like vignetting but shouldn't the flats take care of that?



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This is a pic of Mizar i shot tonight, my very first through my new ed120 with a canon 5D, the exposure is 4.5 mins in 30 sec subs processed in DSS with 5 darks and 10 flats, what would cause the center of the image to be brighter than the outside?....looks like vignetting but shouldn't the flats take care of that?


Are you using a field flattner ? Even so the FF/FR is only designed to cover up to an APC size sensor just, so with a full frame there is no chance. Try and redo your flats at the end of the imaging session with a flat panel, it may improve but not by much.


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