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1st Lunar Mosaic in 1 hr !

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Thought I'd give my guidecam a bit of a run out last night on a bit of lunar action, seen as it was'nt going to be doing any guiding (damn cloud)

I've never attempted a mosaic before, but will definately make a job of doing one the next chance I get, I've been caught by a bit of a bug by this new to me imaging route !

This is the simple result of a seven pane mosaic in one minute avi's, 200PDS/OpticstarAG130m ( I think the camera was running at about 12FPS at the time) put through PIPP and autostakkert2, a small amount of wavelets in regi6 and photomerged in CS6.


Now I've got the gist of what to do I'm aiming to run much longer AVI's at 30FPS and through a 3xbarlow, meaning a multi-million panel job after seeing how big this one turned out to be !!

Thanks for looking

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