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Starting out with imaging the solar system objects

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Hi all, I have an Orion StarShoot Solar System Color Imager IV but my small refractor just isn't adequate for the job. I am currently looking to get a goto Dob 8". I know I possibly wont get the best quality images but will it perform well enough to get me started with planetary imaging.



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I have no experience with that particular imager, but the specs look decent. One shot colour is good for starters, 1280x1024 is a bit much for planets, but handy on the moon. Maybe you can shoot in ROI-mode with it so a smaller section of the image plane is transmitted through the USB cable, potentially leading to faster frame rates. I started out with a Philips SPC 900 NC with lower spec, but that produced some nice images, so I guess the one you chose should be better

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