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Neximage5 toolbar probs.

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Last night I had a problem with the above on my laptop. The toolbar with focus and iris would not highlight and thus could not be used. I tried turning the other toolbars off and ticking and un ticking boxes but to no avail. Very frustrating!

Anyone know where I was going wrong?


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Hi Clive

I m not in the obs at the moment so cant say for sure, but there is a tool bar manager that you can use to select which items are live so to speak. I'll have a look tomorrow to find what you need but dont give up as the neximage5 gave me this, the seeing was pretty good though 1800 frames just stacked in reg6 and wavelets using my SE8 at F10. I'll post the settings up for you tomorrow.




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Thanks very much John, great images of Jupiter there!

I can get those two tool bars to appear and disappear using the toolbar manager.....it's just that I can't alter the setting within them?


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Hi Clive

Thanks for the kind comments about the Jupiter Images. Ok I can see what you mean now, I have checked this morning and the Icap software is designed to run a number of cameras besides the neximage 5, There are a number of tool bars that are not adjustable with the neximage 5 as it has no support for those functions, the 2 that you mention are amongst them. 



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That'll be why then! Thanks for that John. Couldn't focus the little tinker last night! Can you tell me why there are some many resolution ranges ie b680x720 and rg680x720 etc not surr which letter I should be using?


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