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Help with stacking (DSS).

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So, I was out last night and took 60x30s exposures of the Orion nebula. 20 darks and 20 bias frames. 

I load up the images in DSS, check them all and begin with the stacking procedure. Adjusting the "starfinder" threshold between 10% and 2% gives me around 8-130 stars. So I load everything up and try to stack, but no matter what I do, DSS tells me that only one frame will be stacked. 

After reading on this forum, I've come to the conclusion that the issue may be slight startrailing in some exposures. If this is the case, am I screwed? Can I do anything to the images to still be able to get something out of it? Or do I have to go out again (which I'm going to anyway) and try to limit startrails? If so, what would you recommend in terms of exposure settings and so on? I know better polar aligning will help, but I can't really do much about it at the moment. Any help you could give would be much appreciated. 

Also, here is an example of one of the light frames: 


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You may also need to play around with some of the settings too. I've found that once I managed to stack a set of images, went back and did it again after I had made some settings changes and could only ever stack one image. Took some messing around to get it going again.

I've also found though that unless you have some good starting detail then the same happens again.

With the moon so bright at the moment and especially near to Orion I suspect that will also have a big impact on the quality of the image. I tried to shoot some basic images last night and just ended up on the moon as it was such a bright sky from a dark site.

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