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Extension Tube?

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I put this in another section but think it will get a better response here..

Last night I tried to image Jupiter with a modded xbox cam using a x4 Imagemate but could not locate it on Sharpcap so I tried it on the Moon but couldn't get it to Focus. Do I need an extension tube and of what sort. Also the data I did get of Jupiter was with x2 barlow but couldn't get any colour. Any ideas?


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I have the 130EQ too, just bought it without the MD which I got after.

Best option is to test this in daylight first as you can see what you are doing. Point even from indoors to a distant object to make sure you can get focus.

My xBox cam just has the standard webcam adaptor to fit in the EP holder. The sensor must only be about 10mm from the edge of the EP holder.

I can focus no problems with it in as it is, 2x Barlow then becomes trickier as the focal point is very precise.

I'm guessing the  x4 Imagemate is another Barlows of sorts. You may just find that it is such a fine point to get focus being so much higher focal length. Moving the focus tube in and out you should be able to see where the object starts getting better focus before it gets worse again so you roughly know where to go.

As to Jupiter with detail I've been really struggling with this myself. Still not convinced the scope is good enough to pick up the detail.

I don't think that increasing the magnification so much will help. Straight in the EP or 2x Barlows may be the limit. It is a case of trying the get a duller image to start with in Sharpcap and then gradually lighten it to try and show detail. Also these are a £5 webcam, so may not be good enough themselves.

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Hi Langy,
Agree with you about the xbox webcam being cheap but its good to practice with. I can find Jupiter with the x2 barlow and the Moon looks good through it. I'll give it another go this week and maybe try sticking a tube inbetween the imagemate and focuser see if that helps.
How you getting on with the motor drive? I could never get it to work properly so took it off and now just the target drift across the screen then move it back till i've captured enough data and then use to PIPP to keep the image centered. Properly completely the wrong way to do things! This is what I got last night of Jupiter..

Resized 170%.bmp

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