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First attempt at some dodgy star trails.


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Good morning everyone.

I had a quick half an hour last night after finishing work before the clouds came in. I tried attempting some star trails but could only use 10 second subs at the most, otherwise the pictures were just red with LP. I also haven't got a cable shutter release so I had to set the self timer for 2 seconds and press the shutter as soon as it opened hah!

I've attached an image, completely unedited. Let me know what you think, it isn't the best.

Thanks, Tom!

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It is a good start Tom but I think that the light pollution is going to stop you progressing too much unless you can get to a darker site. You really do need to be able to keep the shutter open for a long period to make this type of image a success. But, on the bright side, you have a made a really good start with this technique and, with a little extra work (and a dark site), there is no reason why you cannot make images that rank with the best. Good luck!

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