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star data collecting

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I am really close to getting my equipment and want to start out on the right foot, I have up to now done short exposures on whole constellations, and large star fields, but I am reading about taking images using separate subs divided into L,R,G and B then combining them into one image, what is the best approach here and is the data collecting technique dependent on the object being imaged? i.e the separate subs might be better for an object with a lot of different colours like the Orion Nebulae and a straight set of subs for something less colourful such as the Pleiades?


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There is no single answer ot that question, but basic principles are to ensure your luminence data is good first (most exposure will be for generating luminence, either straight or using Ha), then you can add RGB data as dictated by the target. RGB can even be at lower resolution if needed (binned 2x2) as this data is only used to 'colourize' the luminance data. If you are looking to bring out specific features then you may need to bias the exposure length of a particular filter - yes, extra blue would be good for the Pleiades, or you can substitue or add the Ha data for a particular colour to make parts stand out - the red jets of M82 for example. It can get very involved and you need to read a book on the subject rather than depend on short answers here, but if you take away the importance of starting out with the best luminence data you can achieve then it's a start.


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