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Few shots from the 27th

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My usual impromptu kind of session, noticed it wasn't raining/snowing/gale force winds/100% cloud cover so grabbed my scope and camera and quickly set up in the back yard. On a good note, found out my street pretty much runs exactly north-south, so I can just line up the scope with the house and I'm pretty well polar aligned, at least for casual observing.

Orion nebula, Pleiades and jupiter, Canon 6D, Tamron 70-300mm @ 300mm f/5.6 iso 6400 2s.




And a random shot of jupiter taken at dusk.


Things to note, the lens needs stopping down, some nasty bloating and coma on the stars, it's amazing that you can pick up that much nebulosity with just a 2 second exposure and I really, REALLY need to take the scope out to a decent spot, my backyard is too cramped and light polluted. Might take it on my next fishing trip up to the lakes if I have room.

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