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Starshoot Guider AND Solar System cameras, OR all-in-one camera?

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Hi guys...

First post here...getting back to astronomy after being away for 20 years.  What lit a fire under my butt was taking my Sony Nex-6 with a wide angle lens outside a few nights ago, did a 30-second exposure, player around in Lightroom a bit..and man...I was basically blown away.

I have spent the last couple days spending many hours researching what the heck has gone on in astro-imaging over the last 20 years.

So OK...here is where I am at:

1)  I want to continue to do widefield imaging using my Nex-6...maybe I will get a Canon body later as I see they are, software-wise, quite useful for astronomy (BackyardEOS, etc)...I also see myself buying a couple medium to long Canon prime lenses (in the meantime I would mount the lenses to the Nex with an adapter...the Nex has great Hi ISO performance).

2)  I need some kind of EQ mount so I can taker longer than 20-30 second images...I have decided on the iOptron Smart EQ Pro...I will want to mount the Nex-6 with maybe a bigg-ish lens, and perhaps an 80mm refractor for guiding/viewing...I chose this mount as I want the option to add autoguiding in the future, and other EQ mounts in this price range don't seem to have it, and, GOTO is a nice feature.  I had been thinking of the iOptron Skytracker, but for the same money, the Smart EQ Pro can do so much more, albeit it's far less portable.

3)  Along the course of this research, I see folks are essentially using glorified webcams to take stunning planetary photography.


One of many questions I have is this:

Should I get a guiding camera AND a planetary imaging camera (those two Orions are about $380 - $480 depending on which planetary camera I choose), or, should I get (or does it even make sense to get), a camera that can guide AND take planetary pics for about the same money?  The QHY IMGOH looks interesting/decent...and can even do deep-space as well because it is actively cooled.  (I can't find a place to buy this in the U.S....or I am blind, one or the other...)


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My setup is HEQ5 Pro, SW 80ED Pro, Canon 60Da......Orion Mini autoguider package.

The autoguider package works very well with PHD and with good PA 15mins is no problem.

Although 15mins under my skies is to long, normally can do 5 to 10mins because of LP.

Here is an image of M97 from last night, rotten seeing as puffy white clouds kept crossing the area.

Anyway........35mins......7x300ecs at ISO800.


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