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Blown out Video


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Hello again all , just been out for the first time with the Celestron 127Mak and had some great views of jupiter..however I tried to Video this with my Canon 650D but this came out well over exposed and I had nothing to play with in registax ?? I tried backing off 5 stops on the exposure but this didnt seem to make much difference...Any advice would be gratefully accepted

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Are you using live view while you change the ISO settings? Is auto setting not working for you at the very least? Works for me on my 5DMKii. Even though i don't do this myself you can try use an ND filter on extremely bright objects. That might work for you.

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Use liveview to monitor and adjust it's the best way. I just did some eyepiece projection of Jupiter with a 5mm BST eyepiece and a 3x barlow and the Auto ISO setting ended up being something like 12k!! The resulting picture came out great even at this high iso. amazing.

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OK I have been faffing about with the canon and have realised that I have not been using the video mode often enough to see that this can be used in various settings NOT just Auto (DOH) So hopefully I can elminate the overexposure by going into manual and playing with different ISO and Shutter speeds..Watch this Space

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