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Imaging VS Visual Filters for CCD imaging.


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Does anyone know what the difference between a set of RBG planetary filters and a set of RBG imaging filters.

I want to make my life a bit easier by using a set of planetary filters (the ones that come in the celestron eyepiece set) with my Atik 428 CC camera....my 'proper' imaging filter set is nicely stowed away in a filter wheel, but for reasons of logistics, I want to use the CCD with a DSLR lens - which means individually inserting a filter. 

If I can get away with using the visual set for this type of use - rather than taking apart the filter wheel everytime - i'd do that....but...i don't know what the difference is between imaging and visual filters, i.e. difference between a Red Planetary filter and a Red CCD filter.

I presume it's wavelength transmission?

Has anyone tried CCD'ding with a set of planetary filters on DSO's or widefield?

any help would be appreicated...before I get the allen keys out...



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