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Vixen vmc 110L vs. celestron omni xlt 150

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Hey all, new here to the group. I'm looking to purchase a new telescope and wanted some advice on buying the vixen 110 or the celestron 150. I think the vixen is more portable but since they are in the same price range I'm hoping someone here knows what's a better buy or even another scope in that price range. Thank you for any advice ;)

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I have both of those scopes & on the principle that the best scope os the one you use the most then for me its the Vixen 110L.

I find the Omni150xlt difficult to get out and setup and stand at in the cold, in comparison the Vixen i can use with a normal photographic tripod & is quick and easy to get out into the garden & setup & the dual EP holder is a great boon for imaging or just having two different magnifications, one for a wide field view for finding opjects or looking at a nebula in its entirety & one for close up details views of specific segments

For viewing I would say i've got better planetary views with the Vixen that i have with the Omni150, but that for DSO objects and nebulas the 150 to my eyes provides the better views there

they are significantly different focal lengths, the Vixen have an ratio of 9.4 & the 150 is an f5

really depends on what you want to see and use them for, I will probably keep both forever as they are both so useful.  I woudl probably say the 150 is the better all round performer / jack of al ltrades, but with my problems it mostly gathers dust

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