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Iris Nebula-first attempt

dark star

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I was going to wait before posting this to get more data, but given the weather this doesn't look likely anytime soon! This as taken around two weeks ago. Only around 35 minutes of 300 seconds and 600 seconds subs, taken with a modified Canon 450d, ISO 800, Astronomik CLS clip filter, Skywatcher Equinox 80ed refractor. Finder guider and DMK41 camera for guiding with PHD . HEQ5 mount. Photos taken using APT.  Darks, flats and bias frames. Stacked in DSS and processed in Photoshop. I need a field flattener for the stars, but they look worse than usual. Maybe because it was pretty windy?. 

I only managed to get the 35 minutes of data with difficulty as it kept clouding over and clearing, finally I had to give up.  I am just glad that you can tell that the nebula is there. It is a difficult target and needs hours spent on it. I will try again when the weather improves. Any comments/advice gratefully received. I attach the TIF file from DSS in case anyone wants to have a try at doing a better job of processing.





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