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Hello from Central Sussex

Christopher Davenport

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Hello and welcome.

There is a small West Sussex group recently formed and meet in Cowfold and has it is just up the road from you feel free to pop along.

Just keep an eye open in the Astro Events section as there is no West Sussex group section formed just yet.

Thanks for this, I have been investigating the area as I have only just moved to the Heath at the beginning of the year.

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Hello Chris, welcome to SGL  :smiley:

I am a newbie imager myself, and am already finding out how frustrating and rewarding it can be in equal measure.

You have made an excellent start though by purchasing Making Every Photon Count. Hopefully you will have some images to share with us soon!

I have some images, but they look a bit like they where printed on a dot matrix printer!  :embarrassed:

Once I have my EQ mount up and running I will post my pics, worst to best ... Just need to take a good one first!

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Hi Chris welcome to the lounge,

A P seems to be very popular, everyone seems to be going

down that road at the moment, lot's of luck and hope to see

your images soon.

Clear Sky's

Thank you for the welcome.

I have personally been into photography for a while, so it is a natural step for me to go into astro.

Having said that, my real hook to the subject (age 14) was because my science teacher showed me a view of Saturn through a home made newt. (Including a hand made mirror).

Originally I was going to get into observing through a big Dob, but the techie inside me loves the technology around imaging.

So choice was easy really.

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Hi Chris and welcome to the forum. Good move on buying Steve Richards' book, you won't be disappointed!

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


Thanks mate!

Just finished reading the book and I know I will be referencing it for some time to come.

I must admit, that I knew a lot of the information because of some years of Photography and research on forums like this.

But what I like about it is the real sense of his journey and learning from his mistakes.

This is a great book for that and I think more people should share there stories!

One day when I grow up I may  do the same!  :tongue:

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Welcome to SGL Chris. Good to have another imager join the fold!

You've done the right thing on purchasing the book, this is something of a bible. The journey is a challenge of that there is no doubt!! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. If you have any questions, then ask, someone is bound to know the answer!

Look forward to seeing your images :smiley:

Just viewed your webpage, nice Obs on the roof, very jealous.

I may be asking you for some advice soon, keep up the good work great images!

On a side note my house is on the outskirts of town so early evening I estimate I am 6.1–6.5 on the Bortle scale and by 3am it is closure to 7

(Mainly due to energy saving by the town council) QQ is there a precise way I can measure these numbers?

This means that my best imaging in the northern sky's is early evening  (i.e Andromeda) and southern sky is early morning. (I.e Orion Nebula.) 

Do you have any favourites / recommendations for me to give a bash at once I am setup.

Proposed setup:

80 ED; EQ5 Pro; QYH5L - 50mm Finder-guider and a EOS 1100d (Astro Mod)

I already have a 127 F12 Mak Cass, I want to keep this for planetary with the QYH5L.

Am also considering a 0.5 Focal reducer for the Mak.

Is this a good combo for getting into the game? Could I get away with a EQ3 Pro?

Sorry all the questions

Would love a HEQ5, but budget is limited.

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