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Help again


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Hi all,

Firstly I like to thank all of you who give me great advice a couple of months ago about getting a 16'' dob. Sadly I didn't get the chance to look at one yet Sooo I have set myself a target of making my mind up by Christmas to get the dob or use the money for an astrophotography scope.

I would like your expert advice on the following please,  I currently own  cpc 925, a canon 600d and a reducer. I have taken photos with this scope and they turned out ok. I know I need a wedge if I continue to use the cpc. I have seen a few astrophotography packages and wonder would these scopes be better then the cpc.

In Ktec telescopes they are selling the following for 1899 euro

Heq5 pro goto mount,

Skywatcher 80ed ds pro optical tube,

skywatcher startravel 80 optical tube

QHYL-11 guide camera

guide scope

t ring

2" t adaptor

They are also selling the same scope, mount, optical tube, startravel tube and guide scope with  a skywatcher synguider stand alone guider and a hitecastro synguider power supply and a power tank,t ring and a 2" adaptor (1999 euro)

In scopes and space they are selling the following for 2026 euro

Orion ed80tcf 80mm refractor

orion skyview pro goto eq equatrorial mount and tripod

orion starshoot autoguider

orion off axis guider

orion 2" refractor telescope mirror star diagonal.

I'm starting to read Make every photon count but any  infro would be great.


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Most people spend large amounts of money on flashy gear and dont know how to use it or go for massive scopes then find them to be too big to handle,make every photon count is a great book but if you have a unlimited budget clear skies and good astro knowledge,THEN SPEND AWAY take a trip to a good telescope shop have a talk have a look.

GOOD luck


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Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the reply. I wish I had an unlimited  budget but I to  don't, :sad:  I'm just trying to make up my mind on what to buy :BangHead: . I have the cpc the last three years  and have and will still enjoy it( It's not going anywhere). The camera was a gift from my sisters and I use it for daytime and night time photography.



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Hi all,

Firstly I like to thank all of you who give me great advice a couple of months ago about getting a 16'' dob. Sadly I didn't get the chance to look at one yet Sooo I have set myself a target of making my mind up by Christmas to get the dob or use the money for an astrophotography scope.

I would like your expert advice on the following please,  I currently own  cpc 925, a canon 600d and a reducer. I have taken photos with this scope and they turned out ok. I know I need a wedge if I continue to use the cpc. I have seen a few astrophotography packages and wonder would these scopes be better then the cpc.

In Ktec telescopes they are selling the following for 1899 euro

Heq5 pro goto mount,

Skywatcher 80ed ds pro optical tube,

skywatcher startravel 80 optical tube

QHYL-11 guide camera

guide scope

t ring

2" t adaptor

They are also selling the same scope, mount, optical tube, startravel tube and guide scope with  a skywatcher synguider stand alone guider and a hitecastro synguider power supply and a power tank,t ring and a 2" adaptor (1999 euro)

In scopes and space they are selling the following for 2026 euro

Orion ed80tcf 80mm refractor

orion skyview pro goto eq equatrorial mount and tripod

orion starshoot autoguider

orion off axis guider

orion 2" refractor telescope mirror star diagonal.

I'm starting to read Make every photon count but any  infro would be great.


Hi Pauline,

What do you like  to image ? Are you after widefield shots of nebulea or you wish to go for galaxies or even comets? This determines what kind of set up you need to get. You also have to consider that unless you wish to sell your cpc 925 then even an HEQ5 will be at the outer limits of it's capacity with this scope, the camera and the guide camera mounted. I would therefore suggest that you may need at least an NEQ6 PRO, as with this mount you are covered for your CPC925 and  any other short tube ed frac that you may purchase in the future. You have some thinking to do as  to your imaging targets.



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Hi A.G

With the cpc I had a go at imaging nebulea and galaxies. This telescope is fork mounted so I though it only suited the mount that was with it. What I would like to  know should I get a wedge or a smaller telescope for imaging.  I'm fairly new a imaging and would like as much info as possible.



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Hi A.G

With the cpc I had a go at imaging nebulea and galaxies. This telescope is fork mounted so I though it only suited the mount that was with it. What I would like to  know should I get a wedge or a smaller telescope for imaging.  I'm fairly new a imaging and would like as much info as possible.



Good Morning Pauline,

The 925 is agreat scope but because of its long focal length, 925 inches Native @ F10 or 583 inches with a Celestron F6.3  FF/FR, it is more suited to planetary imaging on it's present mount or for imaging small galaxies an EQ mount. You can not image many of the more popular Nebulea with this scope unless is mounted on an EQ mount, has it's reducer attached, and are using an imaging camera with a massive sensor  to fit the target on the chip. cameras do exist but are beyond the means of a great majority mortal soles. That is why most folks use a short ED Frac  ( not good for planetary imaging unless imaging the Moon or Jupiter ) on an EQ mount to image targets like the M42, M10, etc and etc..., using either a DSLR or a cooled CCD that is "affordable" such as ATIKs, StarLight Express, QSI, and others.  You could buy an SW ED80, a great scope probably the best in it's class, but without an EQ mount you could not do much but observing. A wedge will enable the 925 do some limited long exposure DSO imaging but it is limited to the 925 only and not much use with any other scope. That is why I asked if you were going to keep the 925 and what targets for imaging you had in mind. There is no such thing as universal imaging scope in AP. Depending on the targets, the size of your imaging chip there are certain targets that fit within that combination. I think that if you want to do widefield imaging of the DSOs the question of an EQ  mount that would be suitable for both the 925  ( if you were keeping it ) and final choice of the widefield scope becomes more important. On the other hand you could sell the 925 and the fork mount and use the proceeds to finance the Frac and an EQ Mount.  Your scope does not seem to be suitable for mountig on anything else from what you have written, so it looks as if the choice of the SW ED 80 on an HEQ5 PRO would be a good one but only buy packages that are good for purpose, the one you listed seems to have all the necessary bits and pieces but do a bit of research before parting with money.



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Afternoon A.G,

I'm just back from photographing the autumn colours in our botanic gardens (we should remember to look down sometimes and not always up ha ha)the colours were beautiful. thanks again for your reply, I'm keeping my cpc as its a great visual scope, it has served me well. I will check and quadruple check before I buy anything, I'm in no hurry.

Thanks again,


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Afternoon A.G,

I'm just back from photographing the autumn colours in our botanic gardens (we should remember to look down sometimes and not always up ha ha)the colours were beautiful. thanks again for your reply, I'm keeping my cpc as its a great visual scope, it has served me well. I will check and quadruple check before I buy anything, I'm in no hurry.

Thanks again,


Nice to hear someone is keeping her feet on the ground, enjoy your day.


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