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Help! RA drive setup on 130eq

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Hey guys, I've been getting an RA drive motor from celestron for my 130eq scope which I hope to use for some wide field piggy back photography however before I attempt that I've ran into a problem.

If I roughly polar align my barn door mount I can hit 10 minute exposures before any trailing is apparent (at 35mm). Every time, easy. I want to use the eq mount with RA drive to improve on this as it's so much more stable!

Now, with the 130eq I can't get even 5 seconds with the drive motor on with my camera on the scope with t mount thing. It seems that the drive is not doing anything when switched on other than make some noise! It doesn't matter if I have it on minimum or maximum speed, the trails present even at 5s are the same.

Now here's the weird part, if I set it to S (reverse the drive) I can get 10s or so but the trails change from horizontal to vertical!!

I'm sure this is just my ignorance as a beginner but can someone please offer me some advice as to where I could be going wrong?

Many many thanks!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sussed it!!

Three problems...

Firstly, polar alignment was off. I've spent some time nailing this as accurate as I can get it and things are much better..

Second... The motor drive was not running at more than 50% speed (4.3v at the motor). This I traced to a broken solder joining the motor to the circuit. I resolved this and speed is much improved.

Thirdly, motor is indeed wired backwards and needs to be in S to track correctly. Given I'm at 55 degrees north this strikes me as weird.

Given these three issues now nailed I've managed to get to 60s with almost no visible tracking. I am sure given more practice with alignment and fine tuning of tracking speed I can increase this much longer.

Happy happy night :)

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