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Tripod Stability


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Before I embark upon a semi permanent obsy build in the garden, is it possible to get accurate permanent polar alignment with an HEQ5 tripod? By this I mean is it worth building a very small cheap obsy around an HEQ5 tripod on concrete base or will the tripod flex too much to make 120+ second exposures possible? I would make small holes for the tripod feet so they didn't move. Just thinking about flex and shrinking in very cold weather...

Basically I can either use the tripod in a semi-permanent arrangement which if any good would be a lot easier or can go down the route of building a permanent pier from drainage pipe and concrete.


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thanks mate. Might look into a tent in that case... so much easier. I was thinking of constructing a sealable protective cover for the scope and head then putting a toilet tent round it...

Hmmm. Needs investigation.

Anyone done this kind of thing?

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When building the obsy, I took the permanent pier route vs the EQ5 I had. The main reason being to avoid kicking the tripod legs. Thinking that at sometime in the distant future I might get something bigger, I went oversize on the concrete.

The concrete came from a small mixer so setting up for a bit bigger pier was not really any effort.

As things turned out the oversize pier was a wise forethought.  OK it was a bit of luck, but forethought sounds better!  A few months later some kit came up for sale that really needed the robust concrete.

As for toilet tent, or shed, or dome, or whatever. It is an individual choice. But it is really great to go out, power up, wind back the roof and observe. No parts to assemble. No cool down time. At end of the night when cold and tired, just park the scope, bring the roof back and power off. If the weather changes part way through a session, again everything is secure in a couple of minutes. With a decent shed/dome, gales and rain are no worry. Not sure about the toilet tent approach though.

Hope this helps, David.

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Thanks everyone for their ideas. For convenience (and because my wife said so) I am going for the tripod option (for now) but will have it on the shortest setting which I will raise on concrete blocks to get maximum height with minimum wobble. Mrs M37 said I can build a pier in the spring when she's finished her garden planning.

Ordered one of these http://www.diy.com/nav/garden/sheds-storage/plastic-sheds/home_delivered/Blooma-6-x-4-Brown-Plastic-Shed-Home-Delivered-12297514?ecamp=SEAPLA12828220&ef_id=UmJakAAAAFQddSzo:20131019101024:s&noCookies=false

This is very exciting. I will post some pics when it's all sorted.


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