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Still alive...Part II


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I think its fair to say that I got so much excited about yesterdays night sky that I could not sleep.

So got up at 00:30, took the scope out again and continued my voyage. From my mancave on first floor I could already see that Jupiter has risen so aim was to wait that half an hour until it rises above the neighbours house.
By the time Orion was fully visible sp spent some time just browsing. 
Next stop Aldebaran, now also fully visible againt a deep black backdrop. Need to mention that especially my garden view towards the East is problematic espeacially when the desired object is just making its way up from horizont. There are some decent warehouses about half a mile away in that direction that do tint the eastern horizon with an orange/red-ish shimmer.
Anyway, back to Aldebaran...
Actually I did never spent a thought looking for it since - especially over the summer - it did not really rise high enough before 4am when the sun also came up. So really took the opportunity last night to spend a couple of minutes around the star enjoying its colour and brightness.
Next stop California Nebula
But did not find / see it. Did find its closest star Menchib but the nebula itself wasn't visible.
I need to be honest...wenn I do think nebula I currently always do expect a brightness / appearance similar to Ring- or Dumbell-nebula :-) my learning-curve...
Finally the time has come when Jupiter was visible at about 1:30am. Did move towards the target using low magnification of 60x / 20mm EP. I certainly did see the bright disc of Jupiter as well as its probably most distinct moon Calisto. Moving further in with 80x / 15mm EP I did start to see more tiny fragments close to Jupiter itself. So tiny I could hardly see them...one on one side and two on the other side...I certainly did find Io, Europa and Ganymede with the latter so tiny and close together that I originally thought one of them is actually a reflection in my EP. I did finally move in with 200x / 6mm EP and there were three three moons, no reflection.
So whats new compared to my last visit about six weeks ago? I DID FINALLY SEE JUPITERS BANDS! Whoohoo!
Very faint orange-ish against the bright disc but I did manage to see them from about 80x magnification. Shame they weren't more distinct and I could not see the spot everybody talks about...certainly one to have a look once I make the move for a 250mm or even 300mm dobson :-)
Overall a great night and worth staying awake even if I could not get out of the bed this morning...'luckily' it will be a cloudy night tonight.....
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Re: Jupiter - wait until it's higher and colder; I've managed to see the spot at x160 in the 130p, but it was under a clear, stable sky. Mostly, though, it seems to be on the other side of the planet when I'm observing - not sure why. More a pale pink spot than 'red' when I saw it. Your 200mm should see it without a problem.

Don't miss the triple transit this Saturday morning, if it's clear!

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Re: Jupiter - wait until it's higher and colder; I've managed to see the spot at x160 in the 130p, but it was under a clear, stable sky. Mostly, though, it seems to be on the other side of the planet when I'm observing - not sure why. More a pale pink spot than 'red' when I saw it. Your 200mm should see it without a problem.Don't miss the triple transit this Saturday morning, if it's clear!

Oh yes, thanks for the reminder on that!

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Re: Jupiter - wait until it's higher and colder; I've managed to see the spot at x160 in the 130p, but it was under a clear, stable sky. Mostly, though, it seems to be on the other side of the planet when I'm observing - not sure why. More a pale pink spot than 'red' when I saw it. Your 200mm should see it without a problem.

Don't miss the triple transit this Saturday morning, if it's clear!

Sh*t, does look like it will be rainy for another 5-7 days :-/

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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