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Pleiades through a whispy layer of clouds... :(

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Ok, so the skies are all clear... I focus my camera, I calibrate my guiding cam, I set the amount of exposures etc... I lift my head, and what do I see? Nothing but clear starry skies, except for one single cloud, which has within the time it has taken me to prepare the scope - managed to manifest out of thin air between me and my only target for the evening - the Pleiades. (it is just the right size too. not too small, nor too big. Blocks my view perfectly...)

Oh well, this is how it looks through an increasingly dense layer of clouds.

At least I got to try out my tape-the-dew-shield-in-order-to-create-spikes-on-the-stars - tecnique. :D


Better luck next time I guess.

Oh, and now that I've finally gotten myself one of those flat-field panels.. I forget to use it.

Sincerely, Alveprinsen.

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