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parallel univers

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I thought that was a great explanation Serge and understood you totally, also a very plausible theory but this particular programme was stating mirror images and not us or everything being somewhere else at another time or place.....

Let me rephrase..... yes, if it means everything can be somewhere else at the same time then, I understand!

If it means everything in a rewind/mirrored image then no I do not.

I understood your explication very well and could make sense in what you said but, if I'm walking forwards and the other me or me's are walking backwards or wherever then there has to be a time when the backward walking me ends up back inside his mother waiting to arrive, and if that's the case his mother must go back aswel and so on, until there is a singularity.


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there has been talk that there was a universe here before the Big Bang came about, then it collapsed on its self creating what is believed to be our Big Bang, there is also speculation that says if this did happen then some wher in the universe there should be a print of its existence, we can see as far back as the beginning of the universe, but we cannot penetrate the first few minutes of the big bangs existence.

even black hole have bed talked about, again speculations stating that black holes hold a key to alternative universes, can you imagine the possibilities of this actually being true, however there is no real evidence this is true.

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"The starting point of physical science is knowledge of the group-structure of a set of sensations in a consciousness. When these fragments of structure, contributed at various times and by various individuals, have been collated and represented according to the forms of thought of the group structure...we obtain the structure known as the physical universe."--Eddington

This, it seems to me, even only on the face of it, is close to saying almost nothing or almost everything.

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