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push and point with synscan AZ goto on skywatcher dob

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Hi All

My first entry!

Just acquired a 12"/ 305mm skywatcher flextube with sysnscan AZ goto. Not even got to first light yet as checking out and reading manuals/ testing etc (I'm a good boy!!).

One big query/ concern though: even when power is off (and I haven't set up the synscan yet - at least not attached to motor drive - only played with it 'off-line' in stand alone mode) when I manually push the tube for fast slew (alt or az) I hear the sound of the gears/ motors and there is resistance. In a video demo I saw the motion appeared to be free and fluid (faster and no motor grinding sound). Is the motor somehow locked? I thought the motors only engaged when slewing/ tracking with the synscan ie electronically. Are the cogs still meant to whir when I manually move the tube? Shouldn't I be able to push the tube around freely independent of the motor being engaged? I am reluctant to push at all at the moment for fear I'm going to bust the gearing!

Can anyone with a sysnscan goto and dob clarify/ help?

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i have the same dob - but the non goto version, it just does tracking. Yes you can move it around manually without it all plugged in and switched on. The motors are permanently attached and have enconders on them so that you can manually move it about without the system loosing where it is.

so you could power it all up, do your alignment and use the goto to see say the ring neb. You might then want to go look somewhere in cassiaopia. Instead of slowly whirring all the way round using the handset and motors and battery - yu can move it round by hand and then let the goto finish off the movements without having to align again. Yes it is noisy (ish) and it does whirrrrrrrrrr as you move it.

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Hi Chris,

I have the 200P GOTO and as Nick says above, the drive doesn't disengage when you manually move it so it can keep track of where you move it to - a big advantage of this approach vs other manufacturers. The downside is there is some resistance when moving it - I was a little surprised at first but soon got used it.

If you do move it manually whilst it's aligned then I seem to recall the books of word suggesting you select "re-align the encoder" (or something like that anyway) on the handset afterwards, to ensure GOTO accuracy is maintained. Personally I tend to just let it slew automatically - it's pretty quick - or if I'm doing a manual hunt use the keypad and the 'rate' key rather than push it about much (as the stiffness makes it tricky to finely adjust the direction just by pushing the tube, unlike a normal dob).

Enjoy - it's a great scope!

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i have the same dob - but the non goto version, it just does tracking. Yes you can move it around manually without it all plugged in and switched on. The motors are permanently attached and have enconders on them so that you can manually move it about without the system loosing where it is.

so you could power it all up, do your alignment and use the goto to see say the ring neb. You might then want to go look somewhere in cassiaopia. Instead of slowly whirring all the way round using the handset and motors and battery - yu can move it round by hand and then let the goto finish off the movements without having to align again. Yes it is noisy (ish) and it does whirrrrrrrrrr as you move it.

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Thanks, nicks90. Actually my model WAS a tracker/ auto only, but the seller upgraded to a full goto. No mods though for that other than removing the original (tracker) handset holster from the base and replacing it with the larger one for the AZ HC. Good to know the 'whirrring' is normal.


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Hi Chris,

I have the 200P GOTO and as Nick says above, the drive doesn't disengage when you manually move it so it can keep track of where you move it to - a big advantage of this approach vs other manufacturers. The downside is there is some resistance when moving it - I was a little surprised at first but soon got used it.

If you do move it manually whilst it's aligned then I seem to recall the books of word suggesting you select "re-align the encoder" (or something like that anyway) on the handset afterwards, to ensure GOTO accuracy is maintained. Personally I tend to just let it slew automatically - it's pretty quick - or if I'm doing a manual hunt use the keypad and the 'rate' key rather than push it about much (as the stiffness makes it tricky to finely adjust the direction just by pushing the tube, unlike a normal dob).

Enjoy - it's a great scope!

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Thanks to you too, TwoPi.

Great to have this info from people with the same kit.

Actually I have one more question: the HC Utility function allows you to choose between Tracking Modes of Sidereal ( presumably the one most people will use), Solar and Lunar AND - most importantly -'Stop Tracking'. Does this latter mean it always tracks (or tries to) unless you switch it off with this selection? I would have expected 'No tracking' - but 'Stop Tracking' suggests that even if I don't select a star and 'goto it', if I just point randomly in the sky it begins to track (say sidereally if selected) at whatever the selected rate is. If that's the case though, what is the 'Auto Tracking' option for? Bit confused about when it's actually tracking and when not - especially if slewing or pushing manually etc. I expect it to track when you ask it to goto or select a star from the catalog, but if not doing that, does (say) selecting sidereal tracking mode mean that not only that mode is selected but tracking is also on?

Thanks for any further comment.


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No probs Chris.

Yes, once aligned it will always track regardless of whether you used GOTO, the direction keys or manually pushed the scope to your next target unless you choose 'stop tracking' (I must admit I don't think I've ever tried pressing 'stop tracking', but assume this is what happens!).

Regarding auto-tracking, that's for when you don't go through the alignment procedure and, if starting the scope at 0° altitude and azimuth (i.e. horizontal, pointing north) you can then start tracking even though there is no goto capability. Otherwise tracking starts automatically as soon as you've finished alignment.

Hope this makes sense!

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No probs Chris.

Yes, once aligned it will always track regardless of whether you used GOTO, the direction keys or manually pushed the scope to your next target unless you choose 'stop tracking' (I must admit I don't think I've ever tried pressing 'stop tracking', but assume this is what happens!).

Regarding auto-tracking, that's for when you don't go through the alignment procedure and, if starting the scope at 0° altitude and azimuth (i.e. horizontal, pointing north) you can then start tracking even though there is no goto capability. Otherwise tracking starts automatically as soon as you've finished alignment.

Hope this makes sense!

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