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Setting up your Telescope in Stellarium

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So I just bought a telescope. It is a Sky Watcher 13065EQ2 newtonian reflector and it came with these lenses:

Super 10 Long Eye Relief

Super 25 Wide Angle Long Eye Relief

2x Barlow

I'm trying to setup my equipment in Stellarium to get an idea of what i'll be able to see when the skies clear around here but some of the settings confuse me. I've setup the telescope without any problems but the eyepieces I can't figure out.

What would be the aFOV and Focal Length of my 10mm eyepiece?

What would be the aFOV and Focal Length of my 25mm eyepiece?

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The focal length of an eyepiece is the number printed on the eyepiece in mm. Your 10mm eyepiece focal length is 10mm. Your 25mm focal length is 25mm. The aFOV information should be in the documentation the eyepiece came with or the sales information where you bought it. My Plossl eyepieces has a aFOV of 54 degrees. My Stratus eyepieces has a aFOV of 68 degrees. If know your eyepiece brand you problably search the web and find the aFOV information.

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