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NGC7380; The Wizzard in Ha & HaRGB


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With the Indian Summer weather (hottest September 4-6 in years, with 30-31°C) we had last wednesday/thursday/Friday in The Netherlands I undertook another HaRGB project on an object that I wasn't satisfied with last year, NGC7380. On the night of September 4/5 I shot 7 hours of Ha data (21x20 min) ISO 800, 12 darks, 30 flats and 30 flat darks. The next night, September 5/6, I planned for 6-7 hours of RGB, but somehow forgot to set my alarmclock to wake me up at 2:00 AM to perform the dreaded meridian flip, so the telescope ended up bouncing on the tripod for about 4 hours. So I ended up with only 3 hours of RGB (18x 10 min), ISO 800, 18 darks, 30 flats, and 30 bias frames. Capture with the peltier cooled Canon 350Da (TEC @ 10°C) on the 8' newton/NEQ6/EQmod setup, guided through 9x50 finder guider/QHY5/PHD. Data acquisition with Nebulosity 2.4.4, data reduction with DSS 3.3.2 , and final processing and HaRGB combining in PS CS3.NGC7380-Ha-2013-2000px.jpgNGC7380-HaRGB-2013-2000px.jpg

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