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Right or Wrong

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After a few months of enjoying my first telescope (8" Dob), I've decided I want to try imaging - not necessarily straight away but within the next 6-12 months.

My thinking was to try and pick up the main items (mount, scope and camera) from the used market, even if this meant buying something which would have to be put away for some time, waiting for the next to come along.

I recently found what I thought was an opportunity too good to miss so bought a SW ED2 Pro 100mm APO refractor. I realise now it's f9 and that its' strength probably lies with lunar and planetary imaging but is that likely to be it? Am I likely to be able to use it for DSOs?

Also, what sort of mount should I be looking for which will provide the necessary stability for imaging?

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The ED80 would have been better for DSOs but you can do it with the ED100 but you will have to have a focal reducer to do it. You will need to aim for at least an EQ5 if not the HEQ5 for your mount. You can use a DSLR or a CCD which ever fits in your budget.

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Hi i image with a 5" frac f/7.5 no reducer every one uses the ed80 skywatcher boring to me hey are so mass produced hey are hit and miss and every one gets the same results all the images look he same boring be different its not he law that you have to use a 80mm scope.

whilst viewing last might with my frac i saw m27 lovely i thought I was not set up to guide i use a 80mm scope to guide with by the way ,not to image with i stuck the un modded dslr 600d ( i do have a modded 10d)all i shot was 20x 20 secs iso 800,hutech idas type 2 lp filter,also i never shot in raw doh!.

heres the staked 20 light frames all i did was a slight curves and levels in ps6 its no master piece but it shows even with just over 6mins of data what ya can do so go with what you feel and not what every one else as these are just my opinions and am sure the pro's will be along to tell you what they think you will need but a ed 80 will give you he same boring endless images

when you have seen one m101 with a ed 80 you have seen them all they ate good images but hey all look the same

as i said this images is nothing great Pat


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