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My umpteenth attempt at the NaN


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This is my first astrophoto in ages - I stayed up till past three the past two nights getting the data with my ragtag set of equipment, although I had to delete everything from friday so I only had 60 x 1 minute subs at ISO 800, F4 using a Canon 100/2.8 macro lens.

I might enter this in the company photo competition, so I was very pushy with trying to get some color in it, not easy with an unmodded 1100D and city light pollution. Do you think I went too far?

There's a few things I'm pleased with in this picture - I managed to keep the image flat (shooting at F4 helped). I also managed to extract a star layer, which I normally fail to do because of terrible gradient issues. And I managed to get the nebula onto a separate layer for separate processing.

I wish I had a better mount than a NexStar 4SE though... :-(


nan-initial-60lights-hdr-stretch-gimp-03 by Ags!, on Flickr

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This was my first attempt at the NaN - using a TS UHC, 30 second subs, a StarTravel 80 and the same mount and camera (4SE and unmodded 1100D).

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