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Looking for images of sky at specific latitudes / times of day


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I am working on a game and at the moment I am putting the finishing touches to the 'skybox' - the backdrop that displays the blue sky, sun, moon, clouds... and stars. The stars are the last bit I need to add, and as an SGLer I of course want to do this properly! I need to find digital images of the sky projected as a sky dome (like in the middle of Sky at Night magazine) - in fact two images, one for each half of the sky. To make things more difficult, I want to orient the milky way along the edge of the skydome, as this should help disguise the loss of resolution at the edge.

Alternately, I could generate the image myself if I could find a spreadsheet or similar dataset giving the location, magnitude and if possible the spectral class of the stars down to 7th or 8th magnitude. Surely such a thing must be in the public domain?

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Yes, I was thinking of stellarium screen captures - the resolution I passing to the graphics card is 1024x1024, so that approach would yield good results. On the other hand, I quite fancy visualizing the (the brighter bits of the) Hipparchos catalog. These distractions are why the game is never finished :-)

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isn't all that number crunching going to slow the game down? - I mean if you are after the zombie minions of the leather goddess of Demos with a BFG do you care where the stars are? - OK perhaps its a HP Lovecraft style thing where the "stars have to be right"?

Me - I'd just plaster any old skybox on


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Nah, I would generate the textures I need offline - all the game would see would be one static 1024x1024 image containing 2 cloud images and 2 skydomes in the 4 RGBA channels. That way I only have to fetch one texture when rendering the sky.

At the moment I am much more interested in a beautiful skybox than I am in playability... you should see my sunsets and drifting clouds!

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Ah-ha! I found this site - it produces nice starry domes for any part of the sky. If you ask for a big 4096x4096 pixel image, it shows a good scaling of blob sizes for star magnitudes - which should be convertible to grayscale differences when I downscale to 1024x1024. It looks like I will have to paint in the milky way however.


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